Wildcat Club - Before & After Care

A Place Where Kids Can Be Kids!

This time offers children the chance to relax, play, and even get homework done before valuable family time at home!  A safe, fun, place where children can gear up for or unwind from their school day.

Hillside Students

Before: Students arrive at Hillside as early as 7 AM.  They are walked to their classrooms by the Before Care Lead at 8:20 AM.

Before Care schedule: Students play indoors or outdoors (weather permitting).  A snack will be provided.  Students can bring breakfast, including food that needs to be warmed up.


After: The After Care Lead will meet the students at the front of the school at 3:10 PM.  Parents can pick up students between 3:15 and 6 PM.  After Care ends at 6 PM.

After Care schedule: Students play indoors or outdoors (weather permitting).  A snack will be provided, as well as ample time to work on homework.

The Before and After Care entrance is on the top floor of Hillside Academy.